Come to Brooklyn and Meet the Modular Tecnotri Cistern.

Cisterna No Brooklin

Arrives in Brooklyn in Sao Paulo the exhibitor of the Modular Tank 1000 l Tecnotri. Installed in the building materials chestnut trees, on Av. New Independence, 571 in Brooklyn in São Paulo. Now you can meet the Tecnotri Cistern and see all the benefits of this innovative product. Compact, versatile and very easy to install, the cistern is 100% Tecnotri sustainable Modular, composed with anti-folhas filter, drain, 05 points for water, in addition to additive UV14 and antimicrobial protection. We know how hard it is to buy something without seeing the article closely. Then, leave the curiosity at home and learn a little more about this news in innovation and sustainability. Modular Tecnotri Cistern. It's water that doesn't end anymore. Want more product details? Visit the link.

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