Ensure the safety standards and environmental management in your company with containment Pallets

Pallet Contentor Tecnotri

Developed to ensure the safety in storage and logistics handling of containers with dangerous liquids, the containment pallets rotationally molded are fundamental to expand industrial management practices with a focus on reducing risks of contamination to the environment as well as provide security to the environment and to people who perform transport operations with chemical liquids packaging fatty, lubricants, or flammable, the containment pallets help protect businesses from fines and labor for dangerousness and criminal actions by environmental contamination. Containment pallet Tecnotri With the use of restraint, pallet companies can receive discounts on insurance policies by significantly reducing the risks of accidents in a clean working environment, organized and safer. Containment system with a wide range of configuration eliminates losses by liquid recovery contained of leaks or routine operations. That is, the waste returned to the production process and can be forwarded for recycling free of contamination. The Tecnotri becomes reference in producing items that configure themselves as solutions that extend the security and protection of the environment. The containment pallets Tecnotri meet the requirements of the National safety standards (Ordinance 3214-NR and 20) and international (UL and OSHOA). With so many benefits, it's going to be hard to not enter the containment Pallets Tecnotri in day to day business, isn't it? Use the Tecnotri and be carefree about the safe transportation and storage efficient packaging.

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