Reuse of water in Agribusiness.

Cisternas Na Industria

A fact increasingly present for industries and companies, especially the agribusiness segment, is the adoption of the practice of recycled water as part of their industrial processes. The action, yet unregulated, aims to encourage the saving of drinking water and reduce expenditure, in addition to a more sustainable for the environment. With that, functions as washing of trucks, tanks and equipment, among other services, become possible through an ecologically correct. Investments to facilitate the process of reuse of water are usually usually high. However, thinking about the need for new infrastructure to provide recycled water, the Tecnotri developed the Modular Tecnotri Cistern, a compact tank, intended primarily for the storage of rainwater, and that stands out for your good adaptation to any environment, not occupying large space. In addition, the Tecnotri Cistern requires low maintenance and does not need to be buried, so it's a cheap solution and that is independent of a new industrial plant for your installation. Its sole sheet separator filter allows rainwater collection directed by collecting troughs, not requiring civil works at the points of connection. From nontoxic material, modular tanks Tecnotri are versatile and can be found in five different colors. Have high resistance, antibacterial and immunity additive UV14, because it is a modular product, can be connected in series to other expanded modules so your total storage capacity. The Tecnotri Modular Tanks were developed with 1000 litres capacity and are perfect for compact environments, while Cylindrical asCisternas have capacity to 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000 litres. Both models contribute to the enforcement of legislation on the fire-fighting System, which provides for the presence of water in the reservoirs to facilities emergency solutions. Tecnotri, developing versatile and sustainable solutions for the industry.

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