The importance of good manufacturing practices for the food industry


Among the various laws and regulations that apply to the segment of the food industry, there is a set of practices that is known as the program of good manufacturing practices (GMP). The BPF qualifies as a group of principles and rules for the proper handling of food, since your raw material to end product distribution, covering the entire logistics chain. Is a program that applies through inspection and/or periodic research and aims to monitor the hygienic sanitary conditions and the integrity of the industrial operation. Its fulfillment is directed mainly to the reduction of the risk of contamination and product mix that can occur by particles, microbiological or form per product. So, use non-toxic materials with antimicrobial protection and easy to sanitize makes all the difference in this production process. The main objective of the GMP is to ensure a production of excellence both for the company and for your consumer, optimizing costs and reducing losses through reductions in the production chain. Is a practice that applies since the installation of the company until the processing of the product, building the credibility of the organization. A good reputation in the eyes of those who consume and the production values to the eyes of those who do. The Tecnotri produces a complete line of rotationally molded products in accordance with GMP specifications and ANVISA, to assist in the logistics and storage materials. Click on the links and meet ospallets plastics, containers and loading safes, ideal for the handling of food. If you want to know more details and specifications about the GMP, visit the link below, with information granted by ANVISA's website: [click here]  

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