Learn why the Plastic Pallets are so versatile

Did you know that there are many different types of applications for plastic pallets? How are products very versatile, adapt easily to different functions in relation to your usability. In addition, these structures when developed from rotomolded plastic acquire great elasticity, still counting with the various benefits offered by this material. Below are some types of pallets, their applications, and choose the ideal product for your logistics. Universal pallets: produced in versions open or closed with nine support, with or without flap, in 600 x 800 mm measures up to 1200 x 2400 mm, or as requested by the client. Plastic pallet-Food warehouse double-sided: allows the use of two faces. Produced especially for forklifts, not damaging the lower load on systems for stacking loads under pallets. Also in version for drums or steel products such as wheels of vehicles have snap on both sides, fighting the charge.

Pallet Unitizador Tecnotri
"500"] Pallet Unitizador Tecnotri [/caption] Special Pallets: meet the needs, including accessories like "skids" (stand s) or "ranners," internal metallic structure and reinforcement. [caption id = "attachment_2936" align = "alignnone" widthPallets Especiais Tecnotri = "500"] Special pallets Tecnotri
Furthermore, the pallet rotomolded plastic maintenance, is up to 70% lighter if compared to wooden structures, easy to sanitize and long service life. Are the only ones with antimicrobial additive load. The types of pallets described are often associated with the processes of handling, storage and transport of industrial environment, assisting internal and external logistics reverse throughout the production chain and its distributors. Want to know more about the pallet is ideal for your logistics? "letter_case * source: NETTO, Urias-Unitizadores plastics-IMAM

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